Rights For People

Myanmar Mobile Festival Tour Project

"Rights for People – Myanmar Mobile Festival Tour" is a traveling film festival that brings powerful human rights and justice narratives to communities in liberated areas such as Magway Division, Chin State, and Karenni State. This collaboration with local activists features impactful short films and documentaries from Artists Shelter & partners, which echo the local stories of struggle and resilience. Our team, Civic Voice Communications (CVC), provided the films from Artists Shelter, alongside logistical and financial support to the ground teams.

These teams, equipped with motorcycles, a small generator, a projector, and speakers, travel to remote areas to screen films that inspire democratic and revolutionary ideals. By facilitating discussions and Q&A sessions, the festival empowers and unites communities, offering hope and a vision for a better future. While the festival is funded by Movies That Matter from the Netherlands, with a recommendation from One World in Prague, the ground-level execution relies on the deep involvement of CVC and local ground activists.

The films mentioned above represent just a few of the many captivating productions we showcased during our screenings. Additionally, the images displayed below capture the essence of the engaging on-ground initiatives that took place in January.